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Sharon Cozens Editing

Freelance Copy Editor

wooden Scrabble tiles spelling out the words this sentence contains threee erors

Editing Services for Everyone



Why do I need to hire a copy editor?

If no one can understand what you’ve written or, even worse, stops reading, you’ll fail as a writer no matter how good you are. You write to communicate. Therefore, you need to be sure your writing gets your point across to your audience.


What does a copy editor do?

As an experienced professional, I’ll check that your writing is free from grammatical and spelling errors that can annoy or turn off your readers. I’ll also ensure that your language is clear, concise, and appropriate for your audience.


Why don’t I just use Grammarly instead?

Computers don’t read. People do. No computer program can completely duplicate the experience of reading like a person does. As a human being, I’ll be able to catch problems that most software won’t notice.


My writing is great as it is. Why should I hire someone to edit my work?

Professional writers use copy editors. Why shouldn’t you? Everyone could use a fresh pair of eyes and a fresh perspective on their writing. It’s easy to miss issues when you’re too close to the material.


Does that mean you’ll rewrite everything I’ve written?

No, not unless you want me to. My goal is to ensure that what you have to say reflects you and your unique voice. That’s true whether you’ve written a restaurant menu, a poem for your significant other, a package for your latest product, or a novel.


So you’ll edit anything I’ve written regardless of the subject matter?

Most likely. However, I won’t edit any material that breaks any laws. I also reserve the right not to accept material that I consider to be offensive in any way.


I’ve looked at sites for other editors. Why should I hire you?

Because I care. I care about what you have to say and how you say it. I want you to succeed in telling your story or communicating your vision.

Best of all, I care about you. I believe in the beauty of diversity and accepting others as they are. Whoever you are, I won’t demean you, belittle you, or judge you. I’ll support you and your writing, regardless of your race, religion, ethnic background, gender identity, or level of writing skill.


Great. But if you’re that good at what you do, how can I afford to hire you?

I believe my rates are reasonable given my experience and what I’ll bring to the table. In the end I think you’ll be pleased at the value you’ll receive by hiring me.


Don’t be shy! Email me with the details of your project and I’ll get in touch.


Everyone has something to say. Let me help you say it.



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Checking Text on a Document


Photo from Wix

I’m a professional freelance copy editor working in Toronto, Ontario. I’m detail-oriented and have a proven record of accuracy. I have many years’ experience working in a high pressure, deadline sensitive environment, and communicating with people from diverse backgrounds.


I’m familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style and The Canada Press Stylebook.


Whether you’re in the public or private sector I can help you to get your message across as clearly and effectively as possible. I'll  support you in your aim to reach your intended audience.


​To get an idea of pricing for various editorial services, check out the rate page at the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).


If you need a copy editor, keep in mind that there are three main levels of copy editing. Therefore, you can choose the level that best fits your schedule, budget, and needs.


Whether you have a large or small project, consider hiring me to give your writing a polished and professional look.


​See my Contact page to get in touch and tell me how I can help you.


"No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else's draft."
H. G. Wells





I was born in England, but raised in Canada. My passion for books and the English language started early.  As a child, I used to read while walking to school. I've also worked in various libraries. Eventually I attended York University where I graduated with an Honours B.A. in English and Humanities.


I worked for Maclean Hunter Ltd. where I sharpened my proofreading skills, attention to detail, and accuracy. Once my position became more managerial and less about words, I decided to move on.


Somehow I ended up as a Financial Aid Advisor at Seneca College helping a diverse population of students navigate the often confusing world of the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). After twenty-eight years in the position, I realized that it was finally time to pursue a career relating to my love of the English language so I took early retirement in 2018.


For many years I’d created, written for, and edited fanzines. I’d also edited various newsletters including one for the Toronto Bead Society. I found this work very rewarding and personally fulfilling. Therefore, I decided to find a career that would more closely relate to my interests and skill set.


A few months later, I began the Editorial Skills Certificate program at George Brown College which I completed in December 2021. I took courses in Grammar, Copyediting, Proofreading, Structural and Stylistic Editing, Production Editing, Editing Web Content, Fact-checking Online Media Sources,  as well as Editing Today: Beyond Traditional Publishing, and the Editorial Work Placement.


I’m a member of Editors Canada and am currently secretary  of Editors Toronto. I'm on multiple Facebook groups relating to editing and writing. I continue to find ways to use, improve, and expand on my abilities.


I now live in Toronto working as a freelance  editor and writer. Every day I try to help people share their stories more clearly and concisely with others. 


To sum up: I’m an Anglophile who believes in lifelong learning. When I’m not editing, my hobbies include reading, cryptic crosswords,  crocheting, making jewellery, and watching British TV shows. I also enjoy Star Trek; watching anything starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth or Lucy Worsley; and the smell of old books.

Headshot of copy editor Sharon Cozens wearing glasses and a necklace
gold embroidery scissors with purple pen, crochet hook, and stitch marker on left side of open book and ball of purple yarn on right side of open book


Hand holding card saying Love Yourself
Photo from Wix


"Sharon is a pleasure to work with. Her editing is accurate, thorough, and clear. She showed that she is also sensitive to big picture issues such as inclusivity, diversity, and plain language. Her comments to writers were always professional, warm, and encouraging. She not only consistently met all of our deadlines, but was often ahead of schedule. She is also a strong writer who knows how to write for the internet. She knew what was appropriate for our readers and was able to target her writing accordingly."

Lorraine Zander, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Faze Media


"I found Sharon’s work to be thorough, mindful of our company goals and consistently delivered in a timely fashion. Sharon is also a consistent and clear communicator – getting clarity on needs and deadlines when required. Sharon followed our style guide, but also made note when she thought our practices may need some updating or a rethink. She was confident in her work and was able to explain her edits.

Sharon’s contributions will be sorely missed by our team, and she’ll be an asset to any company."

          Andrea Wasserman
          Manager of Marketing and Communications, Revenue and Brand 
          Hart House, University of Toronto
black iPhone 5 on a white surface




Get in touch and tell me how I can help you.

Fill in the form to submit the details of your project.

I look forward to working with you.

Thanks for submitting!

Copy Editing

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